you can hold more than you think
Dearest You, People and life are complex. Don't succumb to the idea that you can only hold one feeling or perspective. Often it's true...
permission to attune
Have you ever felt ashamed, embarrassed, or guilty for being “too sensitive”? The very sequence of words conveys that sensitivity and...
Conflict is not only an inevitable part of life and relationships, but it’s also one of the most valuable gifts. Healthy and effective...
respect vulnerability
Exposing needs and vulnerabilities is one of the most intimate ways connection is offered to another person. It’s a significant act of...
father time & mother love
Time is a key factor in healing wounds, no doubt. In fact, I often remind clients that there is maximum therapeutic benefit to be had in...
presence of suffering
Dearest You, Whenever people act out they are demonstrating their inability to manage their own experience. Do not be scared, angry or...