let go for maximum benefits
The gifts available in trusting life’s magic are always worth more than the temporary comforts of believing you're in control.
room to rewire
Your brain is a constant meaning maker. It takes a stimulus and attaches to it the nearest narrative it can grab hold of. The problem is t
What if we trusted life enough to let it surprise us? What if we believed in ourselves enough to be fluid in evolving and adapting? What i
Courting My Creative Process: How I Got Real With My Authentic Self
Here’s the vital and uncomfortable truth: We don’t ever feel confident about doing something until AFTER it’s already done. My habit of play
inside out resolutions
The problem isn’t with aspiring to grow and evolve. It’s that the entire premise of changing ourselves based upon our best (but ultimately
your compass makes it easier
Your body’s requests for attention usually start out somewhat calm and subtle before they turn into a full roar. Work with your body rather
on a hot tin roof
Reflexively we tend to contract from discomfort, but that’s largely because we’ve written an inaccurate narrative about it. It’s much...
do you hear what i hear?
What’s more, the less conscious you are of the dilemmas and heartaches you need to resolve within yourself, the more likely you may be to pr
pen your story wisely
The most important storyline in these chapters is the one that reveals exactly how the adversity, the unknown, the overwhelming “breakdown”
let love be everywhere
Given that we are busy, private people, symbols are our allies in connecting and communicating with others succinctly... Let's overwhelm eac