it's now
This was on the eve of my oldest’s 10th birthday, and my heart began to reminisce about how mothering a newborn on a plane felt both like so
Don't underestimate the value of the gift of your time - especially to and for yourself.
life is happening NOW
Dearest You, Any holding your breath waiting to be safe, loved, settled... is only suffocating the already worthy parts of you ready to...
thanks begets thankfulness
The more you train your brain to be watchful of all that is loving and well, the less it has time to catalogue all that it wants to perceive
fire your pr manager
People will misunderstand you. People will likely misrepresent you (at one point or several). These are not your concerns. Your job is...
repeat after me
When fear triggers the fight-flight-freeze response, one of the first things the body does is restrict breathing. While this automatic...
Dearest You, Plants don't grow tall constricting from the sun. Neither do you. Stop any hiding or being small and step into your light....
inhale the love
We give the thoughts in our heads way too much credit. The wheels turn and turn, and we presume we are getting somewhere. Yet, if we...
seek the quiet wherever it may be
Most of us live lives so over stimulating that finding the peace available in quiet and stillness is something we have to deliberately...
nuts and bolts
The essence of what makes for a quality experience has nothing to do with what you are doing, and everything to do with the presence of...