time to shine: step 3
Procrastination takes a toll on both your energy levels and your spirit. Negative self-talk inevitable in putting things off for tomorrow s
Courting My Creative Process: How I Got Real With My Authentic Self
Here’s the vital and uncomfortable truth: We don’t ever feel confident about doing something until AFTER it’s already done. My habit of play
life is happening NOW
Dearest You, Any holding your breath waiting to be safe, loved, settled... is only suffocating the already worthy parts of you ready to...
two lists
You don’t have to buy into unconscious living that negates the meaningful needs of your heart, mind or soul.
walk on
When people intend to make you feel small, the answer isn't to shrink - it's to move on. And so you must. Boldly.
your tribe awaits
Is the fear-based voice in your head afraid you’ll be ________________? It’s okay. Be ________________. If being ________________ means
you deserve more you
You deserve to be too busy unleashing the magnificence of your relationship to your soul to be distracted by any other nonsense.
"unconditional" clarity
Love is absolutely unconditional... Relationships, on the other hand, ought to have boundaries and expectations. Without them there’s no he
Dearest You, Life is short and often hard - celebrate more things, more often and more wholeheartedly. Love, Me
i am not a number
Age, weight, savings, debt, clothing size, social media friends, degrees, calories, repetitions, billable hours, scores, grades, likes…...